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pulvinar In The News


Large Scale Landscape Workshop at Land Trust Rally (October 14, 2011)

 An all day workshop on “Building a Practitioner’s Network for Large Landscape Conservation” was held at The Land Trust Alliance annual meeting (known as the Rally) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The idea for the workshop came out of the in the conservation community’s recognition of the growing number and diversity of large-scale landscape initiatives across the nation. Speakers at the workshop included Lynn Scarlett, former acting secretary of the Interior and current fellow at Resources for the Future, and Jim Levitt from the Lincoln Land Institute in Cambridge. The session attracted almost one hundred participants from the land trust community. Next steps include developing the network’s capacity to share information. The network even has a Facebook page which needs some friends.

For more information on the Practitioners’ Network for Large Landscape Conservation, contact Shawn Johnson at the Center for Natural Resources & Environmental Policy (shawn@cnrep.org). More information is also available in the Lincoln Institute’s Policy Focus Report, Large Landscape Conservation: A Strategic Framework for Policy and Action, and a paper by Jamie Williams, Large Landscape Conservation: A View from the Field.


Two international Leaders on Industrial Landscapes speak at the National Trust Meeting (October 19-22, 2011)

Buffalo New York is the right place to talk about the challenge of preserving our legacy of industrial heritage sites and the National Trust for Historic  Preservation made industrial heritage one of the themes of their annual meeting in Buffalo in October. The conference program was studded with industrially focused educational sessions and tours. Thanks to support from the J.M. Kaplan Fund, two international experts Sir Neil Cossons and Professor Wolfgang Ebert from Germany treated trust attendees to a global overview of the field. Cossons, former Chairman of English Heritage from 2000-2007, spoke . Ebert, one the leaders of the economic redevelopment of the industrial Ruhr Valley as a model of adaptive reuse and heritage tourism, spoke on connecting industrial heritage through Europe with tour routes based on industrial themes.

The J.M. Kaplan Fund has a long history of supporting innovative preservation initiatives. In November 2010 the fund sponsored a symposium Industrial Heritage Retooled to examine the latest ideas associated with industrial heritage preservation. A recent issue of the National Trust’s Forum magazine reviews the findings of the symposium.



Sed venenatis bibendum velit, non rhoncus erat dapibus sed. Proin quis lectus orci, et pellentesque orci. Sed vel nibh sit amet lectus bibendum pulvinar id nec lectus. Fusce a ligula et sem blandit ultrices vel nec odio. Maecenas tempor scelerisque viverra. Etiam lacinia est in turpis semper quis commodo neque faucibus. Morbi molestie venenatis est, a egestas orci imperdiet eget.